I am an artist whose creativity takes a multi disciplinary approach to express itself completely.
The relationship between man and universe can best explain the multidimensional approach of my
creative endeavours which makes me an artist, a filmmaker, creative director, writer, thinker.
When a part (man) comes out of the whole (universe), the part is complete and so is the whole.
Similarly, the different parts of my creativity like art, cinema, advertising, literature are
absolute from each other and from their main source.
My work is the manifestation of my creativity. The biggest myth related to creativity is that it
is reserved for disciplines of art, literature, etc. My vision is to assimilate creativity in all
sectors of society like education, government, environment, corporate, etc. I believe that
creativity has the power to solve the modern days' problems the world is facing. This is the time
when creativity needs to expand its horizons and make it useful for the higher purpose of society
and the world.